101 Battalion

101 Battalion was one of eight South West African (now Namibian) military units that made up the South West African Territorial Force (SWATF) and was the final name of the Owambo Battalion - South West Africa was a territory administered by South Africa under United Nations Mandate. 101 had a brief life, but was highly effective at their task, and whilst not being seen as a Special Forces unit (with the exception of their Pathfinder or Reconnaissance sections), is recognized as a 'specialised force' unit.



With the advent of the South West Africa People's Organization's intensified assault on Owamboland, the South African Army decided to expand the old Owambo Battalion to a strength of about 200 men. The first platoon of Owambos (under command of Cpl J. Ndamekele) were dispatched to 21 Battalion at Lenz in the Transvaal for training in 1976. The unit – which had been under command of Capt GMP McClahlan since founding – underwent a name change to 35 Battalion in 1978 and training at the unit became the foremost priority. This included a year of intensive infantry training in counter insurgency operations, weapons handling, management, communications and first aid. After this advanced training in machine guns, light cannon, mortars and anti-tank weapons followed. The Owambo soldiers were in demand because of their environmental and local knowledge and their tracking abilities, and 35 Battalion had to provide trackers and interpreters to all RSA units. A company was also placed under the operational control of 53 Battalion at Ondangwa where it was responsible for the unit's first combat successes in its own right.

Whilst under the command of Maj W.L. (Willie) Snyders (1977–1980) the unit had already developed a pride (esprit de corps) and especially a cohesiveness and operated as a fully-fledged fighting force, and Cmdt. L. De Bruin (1980–1981), members of the unit were only occasionally used as trackers and interpreters anymore. During a re-evaluation in 1981 by Cmdt WH Welgemoed (1981–1987) - known throughout the Operational Area by his radio call sign of Whiskey Whiskey - it was realized that coupled with the aforementioned merits, the Owambo's aggression, traditional values, loyalty to his leaders, patriotism and pride, lent the unit more towards deployment in a combat scenario. Between 1983 and 1984, the Battalion's strength was raised significantly by an intake of 700. Beginning in 1984, there was an annual intake which kept the unit's strength at approximately 2500.[1] The Owambo's were eager to join and, on occasion, 4000 would apply for 250 posts. The high rate of unemployment in Owamboland, the economic advantages of a fixed salary, and reaction to numerous infractions committed against the local population by the insurgents.

Leader courses were offered as part of career planning which was introduced in 1984. By 1988, (when the Battalion was demobilized) the unit had a black Captain, seven black Lieutenants, a black Sergeant Major, five Staff Sergeants and 260 Corporals in service.

Romeo Mike

The signal development in 101's history occurred during 1982. This was the development of the Reaction Force concept which led to the development of two Special Service Companies (901 and 903) in 1984 and, eventually, a further two (902 and 904) in 1985. These Reaction Force teams were responsible, in short order, for 70% of all enemy casualties inflicted by the SWATF.

Under Cmdt Welgemoed's command, Lieutenant Tom Ferreira, Staff Sergeant Andre Venter and Corporal Andries (Dries) Van Wyk had been working to develop a more effective means of operating. Up to this point 101's operational companies (Alpha and Charlie Companies) had been deployed in a standard infantry role, and as interpretors/trackers on attachment to SADF operational elements. There was also a very small Pathfinder element operating as Echo Coy - this was essentially a Lieutenant, a Platoon Sergeant (with the rank of Corporal) and up to 15 Riflemen, who would operate on attachment to one Parachute Battalion, or forty-four Parachute Brigade's Pathfinder elements.

In mid 1982, 101 Battalion was the proud recipient of a collection of the sorriest looking Buffel (or mine protected troop carriers) that could be scrounged from the scrapyards and LWTs (Light Workshop Troops) of the SADF. Up to this time, 101's sole motorized transport had been a few ancient medium-sized Bedford trucks. The unit was responsible for 'renovating' and equipping these vehicles themselves, and officers, NCOs and troops were all roped in to clean, paint, weld, etc. this collection of cast-off vehicles into combat readiness.

Each platoon was assigned five Buffels. Four troop carriers and a logistics vehicle - typically the log vehicle was the Buffel judged to be in the worst state of repair. The log vehicles had their seats removed to provide more packing space for the rations, ammunition, and main packs of the troops on the 'fighting' vehicles.

Dries Van Wyk's team (designated Romeo Mike Alpha - shortened to Mike Alpha) was deployed whilst Alpha Coy was still engaged in the infantry role (cross-grain foot patrols) at Ombalantu. Shortly thereafter four more teams were put in the field; Mike Foxtrot (under Tom Ferreira), Mike Victor (under Andre Venter), Mike Hotel (under Andre Nel, a Second Lieutenant), and Mike November (under Second Lieutenant Arthur Norval) who were supported by Corporals Hector Strydom, Phil Deacon, Wessie v.d Westhuisen, Johan Genade and Nella Nel. By the last quarter of 1982, all five initial teams were operational.

In a short period of time 101 went from being the poor relatives of the SADF to flavor of the month. I Parachute Battalion wanted in on the concept, and their Operational company was attached to 101 to provide manpower for three more teams which were manned partially by Owambos and partially by Parabats. In 1983, the Parabats were withdrawn and additional teams were staffed with the new recruits being churned out by 101's own training companies.

New vehicles were provided for the teams, and the logistics vehicles were replaced with Moffels (the Buffel chassis and driver's cab, with a Unimog load platform). The biggest problem the teams faced, particularly when operating internally, or within kilometers of the cut line, was radio interdiction of the signals by the SWAPol Koevoet teams (equipped with the Casspir APC, or Armoured Personnel Carrier - with a superior bundu-bashing ability and far higher road speed, allowing them to race ahead of the 101 teams, and 'steal' the contact). Both Koevoet and 101 Battalion were responsible for bringing the Casspir to prominence, and it is still in use today in the region.[2] In 1983, brand new "Turbo" Casspirs (the Mark 2 - although the Casspir was designated as an APC, it was more accurately an IFV, or Infantry Fighting Vehicle) were delivered to the unit, along with Kwevoel 50 logistics vehicles. At the same time the vehicles were equipped with TR15A Hoppers — High frequency radios which use frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology — effectively eliminating competition from the Koevoet teams.

Towards the end of 1983, the teams were renamed and grouped into the two Special Service Companies; 901 SSC under (now) Major Tom Ferreira, and 903 SSC under newly arrived Captain Derrick Els.


In 1984, Cmdt. Jaco Kruger (2IC 101 BN, Willem Welgemoed had now been promoted to Colonel) refined the Reaction Force concept with the addition of the further two Special Service Companies as well as a reconnaissance wing (Lieutenant Mannetjies Fourie was specifically tasked to create the Recce Wing by Brigadier, later General, Oom Kool Swart who was at that stage GOC Sector 10). From 1985 all 101's troops operated under the unit's own command and the operational elements comprised both the Reaction Forces, and an internal wing. The Reaction Forces were now dealt into four Special Service Companies (each with 3 Reaction Force teams), and the Reconnaissance Wing which was mainly deployed for external operations. The SADF elements in Sector 10 (51, 52, 53 and 54 Battalions) were henceforth responsible for all foot patrols, while 101 provided the mobile reaction capability. The effectiveness of the new tactics was proven so worthwhile that by 1987, a PLAN cadre would have approximately one and a half days to survive in Owamboland. 101s Internal Wing's two companies had operational bases at Etale, Miershoop, Ombalantu and Okandjera and concentrated on COMOPS (Community Relations) and protection services.

Apart from the Reaction Forces, Internal Wing, and Reconnaissance Company, there was also a Support Company (with Anti-tank capabilities, mortars, interpreters and trackers), medical platoon, Light Workshop Troop, Engineers Troop, and Headquarters Company.


In 1987, the Battalion was involved in conventional operations in southeast Angola for the first time. Elements of the unit had, in fact, participated in all the larger cross-border operations (such as Reindeer, Skeptic, Rekstok, Daisy, Protea, Askari, Boswilger, and Modular), as well as many smaller ones such as Zeppelin and Egret (1985), Cinema and Tremour (1986), Pineapple, Paternoster, Firewood, Daffodil, Suikerdop/Choke (1987), and Chronic (1988). Actually, operations such as Egret, Cinema, Pineapple, and Paternoster were virtually exclusively 101 operations. Many achievements characterize these operations. During Operation Cinema in 1986, in the Cuamato area in Angola, two Reaction Force teams rode into a well-prepared enemy ambush, and killed 58 of the 60 PLAN fighters, whilst only two 101 members were wounded. In another incident 10 PLAN fighters were chased for 98 kilometers in one day, before they were all eliminated. The Battalion increased its success rate per contact from 20% to 80%. In 1986, 101 had the best combat record of all units in the Operational Area.

During the 1987 Operation Pineapple offensive, two Special Service Companies under command of Capt Ryno van Rooyen (903 SSC) and Capt Koos Maritz (901 SSC) killed 190 of 250 PLAN fighters, whilst only two of 101 Battalion's troops were injured. During Operation Modular in 1987, two Special Service Companies under Lieutenant Suis Prinsloo engaged two FAPLA and Cuban battalions, killing 1200 enemy personnel. On 101's side two troops were wounded, and three Casspirs were lost. In all the operations the unit maintained about 200 contacts per year and sometimes operated constantly for up to six months in Angola without relief.

Humanitarian efforts

From 1988, and with a view to the approaching independence of South West Africa/Namibia (by way of the Tripartite Accord), 101 Battalion focussed itself on COMOPS in Owamboland, under command of Cols L. Marais and L. Kotze. The idea was to portray the unit, in comparison to SWAPO, as a force for true freedom who had already won the battle against SWAPO and who was representative of Owamboland's population. The SWATF estimates that it reached 80,000 people in Owamboland via the 2500 members of 101 Battalion.

Assistance via material was also extended to civilians. Much development work was actually done in the military context - amongst others by members of the wives of the permanent force members who started women's clubs.

The unit also had a military band and a drill platoon (under the command of Lt Karel Njoba - son of the assassinated Chief Minister of Owamboland). Amongst its accomplishments, it performed at the South African defense Force's 75 anniversary celebrations in the RSA in 1987.

On demobilisation in 1988, the unit had reached a total strength of 2600 of which 90% were Owambos. Approximately 35% of the unit were previously members of SWAPO. The rest of the unit's strength was made up of the South African and South West African leader group and other indigenous groups.


Alongside Koevoet — the SWA Police's COIN unit which was also mostly made up of Owambos — and 32 Battalion, 101 Battalion was viewed as SWAPO/PLAN's most formidable opponents. Sam Nujoma, the SWAPO/PLAN leader, and past President of the Republic of Namibia often referred to 101 Battalion as "the murder Battalion".

The Battalion's members were awarded eight Honoris Crux medals for exceptional bravery (nine if one counts Maj Lourens Anderson, who earned his HC before he was posted to the unit), placing it just behind 32 Battalion with 10 award recipients.

101's recipients include:

Photo from Sergamus (the ex journal of the ex South West Arican Territorial Force of the ex South West Africa) - neither the publication, nor the organisation, nor the country exists anymore so I don't know where copyright will lay.

The soldier on the left is David Hashomwenda, he was the Combat Medic in RM4, an ex-UNITA fighter. He was put him up for the Honoris Crux when during a follow-up RM4 drove into a full frontal ambush. The first RPG7 took RM4's Kaokaland Himba Tracker's head off and most of the trackers on the ground were wounded and pinned down, Dawie (Dave) as he was called jumped off the Casspir with his back-pack and two metal ammo boxes full of med aid and kit and in the middle of a fierce firefight with a hell of a lot of lead flying around between us and them ran to each guy he could see and sorted out blood… The soldier on the right is another Combat Medic, Petrus Shoombe, who was awarded his Honoris Crux a year earlier, in 1984.

In 1985, a memorial cenotaph was unveiled at the Battalion's headquarters in Oluno near Ondangwa to commemorate the death of troops during operations between 1977 and 1988. When the unit was demobilized in 1988, this cenotaph was relocated to 5 Reconnaissance Regiment's – now 5 Special Forces Regiment – headquarters in Phalaborwa, South Africa, outside the Special Forces' church. The unit's colors - presented to the Battalion in 1985 by the Chief of the South African Army - were first laid up inside the Special Forces church alongside those of 1 Special Forces Regiment who had been retired, but were recently removed to the South African Special Forces Brigade's museum in Pretoria where they can be seen (below) hanging alongside the old South African flag and the colours of 1 SFR .


  1. ^ Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa
  2. ^ Army Casspirs getting upgrade at cost of R164m